Server Status Checker
Ingrese hasta 100 URL (cada URL debe estar en una lÃnea separada)
About the Server Status Checker tool!
Our HTTP Server status checker is a free tool helps you to check whether the status of a website is offline or online. Every single time your browser requests a website, status codes are returned, when something goes wrong your browser delivered some message in your browser like "Something isn’t right along with error code e.g 404"
Paste up to multiple URLs in the test tool If you want to check the HTTP status codes that your browser doesn’t normally show you, the test tool will display the HTTP status code of every single website in a separate line, each server status code has a different meaning.
Understanding Of HTTP Status Code
- 200 status code: OK is good. It means that your server was able to return content for the URL you requested.
- 301 status code: Moved Permanently means that the requested URL has been moved permanently and all further inquiries should be directed to the new location.
- 302 status code: Found means the server has found a temporary redirection. This URL should be used again for the next time since it is only temporary.
- 307 status code: Temporary Redirect is similar to a 302 because it is a temporary redirect and the same URL should be used again for the next time.
- 400 status code: Bad Request simply means that the server did not understand what you were looking for.
- 401 status code: Unauthorized means that your server will not grant access to the content without authorization
- 403 status code: Forbidden means that the server will not show you the content, regardless of authentication.
- 404 status code: Not Found is a common, frustrating error, and might even be what you’re checking for with this Server Status tool. This error code lets you know that the file you were looking for is not found. Search engines need a 404 to know which URLs are valid and which aren’t.
- 410 status code: Gone is similar to 404. It lets you know that the URL you were looking for did exist, but is gone.
- 500 status code: Internal Server Error is another frustration that must be directed to your web host or system administrator. It means something is wrong with the server.
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